
Saturday 9 May 2015

I'm So Bored

So hello again fellow readers as today's lovely topic for a blog is about...boredom. I know, out of all the things I own or I can do... Im bored.

Let me explain...

If you are still young, you dont want to waste your Sunday on studying (unless its super urgent) so you want to do other things like partying or have a massive multiplayer party or something. But for me, the only fun thing I can think to do right now is edit, fan art, fan fictions, youtube or single player offline sessions.

It sucks... I know.

I wanted to do many things like play or record or practice but part of my subconsiousness says that its boring and I just did that last Friday. I want to study but its a SUNDAY!!! Sunday is a break day (unless its urgent). I'm sooo bored right now...

But heres the funny part... The thing that caused my boredom is the anouncement of the 'Phan-Prix' party in Mario Kart 8 where phandom members can race against Dan and Phil and the sad thing is... I dont have Mario Kart 8. Since I dont really have a reality... That multiplayer session is like being invited to the biggest party of the year... But you have no ticket to enter the club.

So as social media ruins my life by live tweeting the event, I end up being bored. So bascially, once i hear someone having more fun than I... I get bored... Thats a really stupid explanation.

But this isnt the first time that's happened. It happens a lot. One of my friends has this massive birthday party few months ago and I wasnt invited. I went on facebook accidentally and all my friends are posting all the amazing things that's happening. My fun Saturday just became 'why wasnt I invited, whats wrong with me' Saturday.

Im assuming that there are a few people who gets bored this easily due to this reason, maybe others have different reasons. I heard one of them is due to that they are alone that they rather be with friends in real life. Some is due to the amount of stuff they have going on or literally having nothing in mind planned.

So there is some idea on boredom and why we may end up feeling like this...

Cutiejea out!

PS: I'm bored right now

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